
Why your business needs more than just a website?

Why your business needs more than just a website
Local Business

Why your business needs more than just a website?

Some of us can clearly remember the times when the digital landscape was not a crowded area. Facebook and Twitter were still fresh in the market and they were yet to capture the attention of people around the world.

Fast forward 10 years and it is obvious that the internet is no longer the same thing it was few years ago. A website about 10 years ago will place you at a competitive advantage to the majority of your competitors who do not see reasons to have one, but today a website alone is not enough. Your potential and current customers are utilizing digital space than ever before, with competition for their attention at the highest since the inception of the internet.

The digital space is highly complex and we will be presenting to you a simple procedure that can help you achieve your online targets

Blogging is an important factor

Content marketing is a buzzword for marketers, but at a time where there are millions of content around the world means that it is not as important as “interesting marketing”. A blog is the best avenue to share the best you have to offer, creating a sustainable presence for your business. With a blog, you can show your customers that you care about the industry, their needs and the quality of the products and services that meet those identified needs.

Your Blog analytics also helps you to track what your audiences are interested in. You can easily track each post on your blog for site visits, shares, and comments, time on each page, click-through and others. Converting leads into customers is the major goal of every company. About 61 percent of consumers in the US said they have made purchases solely based on post read on a blog. So take advantage of blog today and increase your conversion rate.


SEO – For natural traffic juice

A higher ranking than that of your competitors on Google could make you increase sales. Your website can become exciting by incorporating some keywords known as “buyer keywords” into them. They are words that can drive organic traffic to your site and influences your ranking on Google and other search engines. The closer you are to the top spot on search engines the better. After adding the keywords, you also have to optimize your page for the keywords. Creating more backlinks really work well in boosting some of the extra keywords.

You can’t avoid Social Media

Interested in generating sales lead, you will need to be where people are. At present, everyone seems to be on social media. Social media may appear as a place for family and friends to share pictures of their outings alone but it can also help connect people digitally via conversation. With about 260 million active users on Twitter and an average Facebook user spending about 6.35 hours on the platform in a month, you cannot just wait for this opportunity to slip by. Studies have conclusively shown that 70% of business successfully generates leads on social media. Productive usage of social media for your business will lead to an increase in brand awareness.

Paid advertisement – Boost your business

Some of the paid advertisement includes Facebook ads, twitter ads, PPC etc. PPC known as pay-per-click ads found on margins of search result pages and social media pages are so common that so many businesses are not taking full advantage of them yet. Some website subscribes is yet to reap the full benefit because of a few mistakes. The final step between a click and a sale is your landing page. So, make your landing pages captivating.

A good landing page should not be distracting and should describe the service or product on offer in detail. Some of the advantages of paid advertisements include highly targeted search, immediate results, and superb measurement of the campaign as well as complete control over the campaign.

“If you’re not building an email list, you’re an idiot”- Derek Halpern

Derek Halpern, a successful blogger gained 17,000 Subscribers in just 11 Months by nailing the email lists strategy. An email list enumerates the names and email addresses of visitors to your page who gave you permission to update them about your businesses through email. This list is important because you have verified the identity of this person who is extremely interested in your product or services.

Email lists have been shown to generate a 10 times higher conversion rate compared with the campaigns on social media. A big advantage of the email list is that you own it; you have and may never own twitter, Facebook or Google. Some of your SEO and social media campaigns may be futile if the platform change policies but your email list is not affected by any third-party.


Google Local Business Listing

Anyone searching for a business in your locality is likely going to search online for it instead of looking through yellow pages. 92 percent of consumers read and trust online reviews while 54 percent replacing phone books with online local searches. When searches for local businesses are conducted on Google for a particular type of business, the results that will come up will be ones that contain Google Places listings. When a google place listing is shown it usually contains basic information such as the address and a local telephone number. This encourages people to call through to the business. It also allows your prospective customers to understand what you can offer in lesser time than it would have taken them to scan through your entire website. Google places listing is a shrewd investment for your business. Check it out!

Your website is the shopfront of your business – Good Design Matters

The design of your website should suit its purpose. A badly designed website will chase leads away instead of retaining them. The appearance of your site speaks volumes about who you are. The layout, typography, colors, branding and logos of your website must have the following qualities:

  • It must be aesthetically appealing
  • It must be consistent internally and consistent with the brand and mission of your organization.
  • It must be easy to use

Good design creates a good first impression and makes the site memorable to customers.

Comments (2)

  1. […] marketing is inevitable if you consider boosting the sales and growth of your businesses. It is an adept solution that can improve your business prospects and instill your brand in the […]

    August 19, 2020 at 9:22 am
  2. […] so many ways to increase your leads, sales, and revenue. We will see the simplest ways to grow your business […]

    September 29, 2020 at 9:20 am

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